This study identified and compared the abundance and detectability of owls and other nocturnal birds, over 1 year, in an urban parkland of a Brisbane suburb to a peri-urban/hinterland/rainforest site 27km away. Five owl species were detected, but only at the peri-urban/hinterland/rainforest site, they were powerful owl Ninox strenua, southern boobook Ninox boobook, sooty owl, Tyto tenebricosa, masked owl Tyto novaehollandiae and barn owl Tyto alba. A single southern boobook was detected outside the study, at the urban site. The tawny frogmouth Podargus strigoides was only detected at the urban site whereas the plumed frogmouth Podargus ocellatus plumiferus was only detected at the rainforest site. The bush stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius was the most frequently detected nocturnal species, yet we discuss its recent decline in Brisbane. Incidentally recorded mammals, reptiles, frogs and diurnal birds are given. The rainforest site had more scansorial mammals whereas the urban site had more possums, dogs and cats.