The aim of this work was to determine the composition of the fish assemblage of Passa Cinco stream and verify changes in their structure on the altitudinal gradient. Six samples were performed at five different sites in Passa Cinco stream (from the headwater, at order two, to its mouth, at order six), using an electric fishery equipment and gill nets in May, July, September and November of 2005 and January and March of 2006. The indices of Shannon's diversity, Pielou's evenness and Margalef's richness were quantified separately considering the different fishery equipment (nets versus electric fishery equipment). An ANOVA was used to compare samples collected in relation to values of abundance, diversity, evenness and richness. The representativeness of the species was summarised by their average values of abundance and weight. We captured 5082 individuals distributed into 61 species. We observed a trend of increasing diversity, richness and evenness of species from site 1 to 3, with further decrease in sites 4 and 5. The values found for habitat diversity also followed this pattern. Significant differences were found for all three indices considering the electric fishery samples. For individuals caught with nets, only the richness index showed a significant difference. Characidium aff. zebra was an important species in the headwater and transition sites and Hypostomus strigaticeps in middle-lower course sites. Despite the small extension of the Passa Cinco stream, environments structurally well defined were evidenced by the species distribution and assemblage composition along the gradient.Keywords: ichthyofauna, species diversity, altitudinal gradient, river continuum concept. Characidium aff. zebra foi uma espécie importante nos trechos de cabeceira e transição, e Hypostomus strigaticeps nos trechos de médio-baixo curso. Apesar da pequena extensão do Rio Passa Cinco, ambientes estruturalmente bem definidos foram evidenciados pela distribuição das espécies e pela composição da assembleia ao longo do gradiente.
Composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes doPalavras-chave: ictiofauna, diversidade de espécies, gradiente altitudinal, conceito do rio contínuo.