Detailed information about the location and extent of zooplankton patches is fundamental to understand how abiotic and biotic forces interact to structure the spatial distribution of zooplankton. We mapped zooplankton patchiness in a Minnesota lake during spring, summer, and autumn with high-frequency (192-kHz) single-beam sonar. Conventional plankton samples of aggregations detected acoustically revealed that Daphnia pulicaria (mean body length 1.6 mm, mean target strength Ϫ120 dB) scattered most (ϳ63%) of the sound. Other taxa were smaller (Ͻ½ the length of D. pulicaria) and were usually less abundant and therefore scattered much less sound than D. pulicaria. Our acoustic estimates of Daphnia concentrations illustrate extreme patchiness, with concentrations varying by as much as four orders of magnitude over vertical distances of less than 1 m. Seasonal patterns of patchiness were related to predation by rainbow trout and to abiotic factors associated with stratification. Daphnia concentrations were highest from June to October in a deep-water ''refuge zone'' where oxygen concentrations were between 3 and 5 mg L Ϫ1 . These oxygen levels are suitable for Daphnia but are lower than those required by rainbow trout. Heterogeneity in Daphnia concentration along the lake's long axis was highest in May and June, when the population resided primarily in the oxic hypolimnion during the daytime. From July to October, as oxygen concentrations declined in the hypolimnion, the population became more metalimnetic and more uniformly distributed in the horizontal dimension. A diel study of the population in October indicated that the patchiness of population also changed dramatically between day and night. During the day the population aggregated densely in a thin layer (ϳ2 m thick) in the thermocline. After sunset the population dispersed into the epilimnion, where concentrations were ϳ100,000 m Ϫ3 less than they were during the day in the thermocline.Patchy spatial distributions and the low resolution of conventional sampling methods have impeded analyses of zooplankton populations. Zooplankton concentrations have been shown to vary by a factor of 1,000 within distances of meters horizontally or vertically, and the sampling resolution of conventional plankton nets and hoses is usually too coarse to identify the spatial limits of aggregations precisely (Coyle 2000). Variation in population density estimates due to sampling often cannot be distinguished from real changes of population density, and the effects of biological processes are difficult to distinguish from those of advective transport (Megard et al. 1997). Acoustic and optical plankton samplers developed during recent decades are major advances. They have very high sampling rates and spatial resolution, comparable to modern instruments (e.g., CTD profilers) used to measure environmental variables. Large numbers of plank-