Low-carbohydrate diets (LCD) are popular for weight loss but lack evidence about micronutrient sufficiency in real-life use. This study assessed the intake and biochemical status of selected micronutrients in people voluntarily following LCDs.
A cross-sectional study was conducted (2018-20) among 98 adults recruited as self-reporting either LCD (n = 49) or diets not restricting carbohydrates (controls; n = 49). Diets were assessed using the 130-item EPIC-Norfolk food-frequency questionnaire. Red-blood-cell thiamine diphosphate (TDP) was measured for thiamine status using HPLC. Plasma magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Between-group biomarker comparisons were conducted using ANCOVA and adjusted for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and diabetes status.
LCD-followers (26% male, median age 36 years, median BMI 24.2 kg/m2) reported adhering to LCDs for a median duration of 9 months (IQR 4–36). The most followed LCD type was ‘their own variations of LCD’ (30%), followed by ketogenic (23%), ‘palaeolithic’ (15%), and Atkins diets (8%). Among controls, 41% were male (median age 27 years, median BMI 23 kg/m2). Median macronutrient intakes for LCD vs control groups were carbohydrate 16%Energy (E) vs. 50%E; protein 25%E vs. 19%E; and fat 55%E vs 34%E (saturated fat 18%E vs. 11%E). Two-thirds of LCD followers (32/49) and half of the controls (24/49) reported some use of dietary supplements (p = 0.19). Among LCD-followers, assessing from food data only, 21 (43%) failed to meet the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for thiamine (vs.14% controls, p = 0.002). When thiamine from supplementation (single- or multivitamin) was included, there appeared to be no difference in thiamine intake between groups. Still, red-blood-cell TDP was lower in LCD-followers than controls (407 ± 91 vs. 633 ± 234 ng/gHb, p < 0.001). Three LCD-followers were thiamine-deficient (RBC thiamine < 275 ng/gHb) vs. one control. There were no significant differences in dietary intakes or plasma concentrations of magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium between groups.
Following LCDs is associated with lower thiamine intake and TDP status than diets without carbohydrate restriction, incompletely corrected by supplement use. These data, coupled with a lack of RCT evidence on body weight control, do not support recommending LCDs for weight management without appropriate guidance and diet supplementation.