The objective of this investigation is to reduce the operating costs of the company Corporación Anemy SAC, which is a company dedicated to the manufacture of footwear. The company presents problems related to the lack of training of personnel in environmental management, the lack of a system that prevents the emission of sounds greater than 85 decibels, the lack of a raw material waste management plan and the non-existence of environmental indicators in your production line. The total loss found in the monetization of the 4 causes found is S/27,720.00. For which environmental improvement plans are designed, which are the prevention, remediation and mitigation plan, the contingency plan and the environmental monitoring and follow-up plan.Regarding the results, it can be mentioned that with the implementation of these plans the company obtained benefits which are reflected in the VAN indicators of S/ 67,227.17 and IRR of 152%. By investing and implementing these plans, it will bring benefits of S/138,600.00 between the period 2024 and 2028.