Abstract.Experimental results on some characteristics of high multiplicity (>45) proton-AgBr interactions at 800 GeV are presented. The results are compared with those in lower multiplicity regions as well as for CNO target. The various parameters investigated here are pseudorapidity distribution, mean normalised multiplicity, mean number of intranuclear collisions and normalised pseudorapidity. PACS: 13.85.Hd; 12.90.+b; 29.40.Rg
In~oducfionThe space time development of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interaction is invaluable as it provides deeper insight into the fundamental strong interaction processes. Considerable work has been done on protonnucleus interactions upto 800 GeV [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], which is presently the highest energy for fixed targets. Most of these investigations have been carried out for all event multiplicities. Since in high energy interactions, majority of the collisions are peripheral, hence the thrust of the investigations so far has been on these collisions. It would be interesting to study the central collisions (high multiplicity/high momentum transfer events) and also determine if event characteristics are modified, if any, due to high momentum transfer of the collisions. With this aim in view, we study here the characteristics of interactions with multiplicity >=45 in 800 GeV proton interactions with AgBr nuclei. A parameter which reflects the mechanism of multiparticle production is the multiplicity of secondary particles. The other important feature of this parameter is that its value can be accurately determined. The present investigation is confined primarily to the studies of multiplicity, multiplicity correlations, the number of intranuclear collisions and differential multiplicity in the rarely occurring high multiplicity p-AgBr interactions at 800 GeV.
ExperimentA stack of 40 Ilford G5 emulsion pellicles of dimension 10 cm • 8 cmx 0.06 cm was exposed to a proton beam of energy 800 GeV at Fermilab. The beam flux was 8.7 • 104 particles/cm 2 and the dispersion of the primary was < 0.05%. The emulsion plates were carefully area scanned for inelastic events. All events were area scanned twice by each observer and the average efficiency for detecting events was found to be 96%. Scanning was done at a distance of 1 cm from the leading edge of the emulsion, so that there was no interaction due to a secondary track. In order to select events due to primary protons the incident particle should make an angle < 2 ~ with mean beam direction. Events lying up to 25 gm from the surface or glass side of the emulsion pellicle were not considered. Using the above criteria, a total of 2317 events were obtained. Following the emulsion terminology [11] secondary particles with fl (v/e) >= 0.7 and fl < 0.7 were designated as shower and heavy tracks respectively. It was convenient to further subdivide the heavy ionising tracks into black and grey tracks, whose multiplicities were designated as Nb and Ng respectively. The black tracks resulted from secondary particles with specifi...