The electromagnetic structure of the lightest hadrons, proton, pion, and kaon, is studied by high precision measurements of their form factors for the highest timelike momentum transfers of |Q 2 | = s = 14.2 and 17.4 GeV 2 . Data taken with the CLEO-c detector at √ s = 3.772 GeV and 4.170 GeV, with integrated luminosities of 805 pb −1 and 586 pb −1 , respectively, have been used to study e + e − annihilations into π + π − , K + K − , and pp. The dimensional counting rule prediction that at large Q 2 the quantity Q 2 F (Q 2 ) for pseudoscalar mesons is nearly constant, and should vary only weakly as the strong coupling constant, αS(Q 2 ), is confirmed for both pions and kaons. However, the measurements are in strong quantitative disagreement with the predictions of the existing QCDbased models. For protons, it is found that the timelike form factors continue to remain nearly twice as large as the corresponding spacelike form factors measured in electron elastic scattering, in significant violation of the expectation of their equality at large Q 2 . Further, in contrast to pions and kaons, a significant difference is observed between the values of the corresponding quantity Knowledge of the quark-gluon structure of the only stable baryon, the proton, and the lightest mesons, the pion and kaon, is of great interest for both nuclear and particle physics. Important questions about the size of the proton, the composition of its spin, and the large difference between its spacelike and timelike form factors remain open. Timelike form factors of pions and kaons, which are needed for the precision determination of the hadronic loop contribution to the muon g − 2 anomaly [1,2], are poorly known. Spacelike form factors of pions and kaons needed for the understanding of nuclear and hypernuclear forces are difficult to measure at large momentum transfers, and can only be obtained by analytic continuation of timelike form factors [3]. To meet these needs, precision measurements of timelike form factors at the highest possible momentum transfers are needed. In this Letter we report measurements of the form factors of pions, kaons, and protons with much higher precision, and for much larger timelike momentum transfers than before [4,5].Earlier measurements of proton form factors for large timelike momentum transfers (Q 2 < 0) made by the Fermilab E760/E835 pp → e + e − experiments for |Q 2 | = 8.84 − 13.11 GeV 2 [4], and the CLEO e + e − → pp measurements at |Q 2 | = 13.48 GeV 2 [5], revealed that the timelike form factors are nearly twice as large as the corresponding spacelike form factors, a result in strong disagreement with the expectation of their equality at asymptotically large |Q 2 |. The measurement of pion and kaon timelike form factors by CLEO at Q 2 = 13.48 GeV 2 [5] revealed that while the dimensional counting rule prediction of a α S /|Q 2 | variation of the form factors [6] was apparently confirmed, the measured form factors were factors 4 − 8 larger than predicted. Further, the ratio F π (|Q 2 |)/F K (|Q 2 |) wa...