We analyse the recently available experimental data on direct photon productions from Au+Au collisions at √ sNN =200 GeV RHIC and from Pb+Pb collisions at √ sNN =2.76 TeV LHC energies. The transverse momentum (pT ) distributions have been evaluated with the assumption of an initial quark gluon plasma phase at temperatures Ti=404 and 546 MeV with initial thermalisation times τi=0.2 and 0.1 fm/c respectively for RHIC and LHC energies. The theoretical evalutions agree reasonably well with the experimental observations. The thermal window for the LHC energy is justified through the ratio of the pT spectra of thermal photons to dileptons.PACS numbers: 25.75.Dw,24.85.+p It is by now conventional wisdom, that collisions between two nuclei at RHIC as well as LHC energies will lead to the formation of quark gluon plasma (QGP). Although the exact nature of QGPhadron phase transition is still plagued by uncertainties, but there are several evidences that QGP is formed [1][2][3][4] at RHIC energies. It has long been recognised that promising signals of QGP are photons and dileptons [5][6][7][8][9]. The very nature of electromagnetic interactions ensures that the thermometric signals (γ, µ + µ − , e + e − ) escape the QGP medium without any significant interaction, thus retaining the pristine information of QGP immediately after its formation. It has been pointed out by one of the authors and his collaborators, consistently for a long time [8][9][10][11][12][13][14], that the photons emanating from thermal medium show up in the p T window of 1.5 ≤ p T (GeV ) ≤ 3.5. It has also been pointed out [15,16] during the early days of QGP physics and now, that the ratio γ/µ + µ − eliminates some of the uncertainties associated with the input parameters used in the model.The concept of ratio has been revisited again in ref [17,18] where the sensitivities of the of the initial parameters have been studied extensively. The formation of a thermal medium is manifested by the flattering of the ratio beyond certain p T . Now that the direct photon data has come out of LHC we tend to analyse the data and test the above prediction at √ s N N =2.76 TeV. It is quite remarkable that the original theoretical prediction [15][16][17][18] turns out to be valid also at LHC energies with added advantage that the very high energy of LHC turns the invariant mass M , of dileptons less relevant compare to (say) at RHIC energies.It should also be noted that there is already a tantalising hint of QGP formation even at SPS energy [19,20]. In the following work we present our findings of this interesting phenomenon. Thus over a wide range of energies going through orders of magnitude, it is quite exciting to note that p T window for thermal photons and dileptons remains the same as predicted earlier, only the range of window increases almost upto 4 GeV or more at LHC energy.In this present work we have evaluated the direct photon productions from (i) Au+Au collisions at √ s N N =200 GeV for 0-5% centrality and (ii) Pb+Pb collisions at √ s N N =2.76 TeV for...