The investigational trials were conducted on day-old, total ninety chicks of broilers and indigenous (IND) poultry breeds in controlled conditions to analyze some hematological parameters. Water and basal diet were provided ad libitum. The experiment was carried out for 20 weeks. A total of 40 blood samples 20 for each breed were collected in a randomized manner through a brachial cut at the end of the trial. Hematological parameters, i.e., RBCs (10 6 /μl), WBCs (10 3 /μL), Lymphocytes (10 3 /μL), Monocytes (10 3 /μL), PLTs (10 3 /μL), Hb (g/dL), Ht (%), MCV (fL), MCH (pg), and MCHC (g/dL) were analyzed. Two-tailed Student t-test was applied to compare the means (p<0.05) of hematological parameters of both breeds. The findings exhibited that total RBCs, PLTs, and Hb concentration, were considerably higher (p<0.05) in IND chickens than broilers. On the other hand, the total WBCs, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes were remarkably higher (p<0.05) in broilers than the IND breed. However, no statistically important distinction (p>0.05) noted in both breeds in Ht, MCV, MCH, and MCHC parameters.