The present study was undertaken to evaluate haematological profile viz. Haemoglobin (Hb), Packed Cell Volume (PCV) and Red Blood Cell (RBC) count and erythrocyte indices viz. Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) in different species of poultry and this could be used for clinico pathological diagnosis and further studies. The present study were carried out from 18 birds in each different species of poultry viz. Guinea fowl, Turkey, Japanese quail, Kadakanath, Nicobari, Aseel, Rhode Island Red (RIR),White Leghorn (WLH) and Geese. All these birds were reared in pens under uniform standard managemental conditions. Mean values for hemoglobin (g/dl) were differed significantly (P<0.01) between different species of poultry. In chicken, highest hemoglobin was recorded in Aseel (12.90), followed by Nicobari (12.50), Kadakanath (11.10) and least in WLH (8.80) and RIR (8.70). The mean values for PCV (%) were significantly (P<0.01) highest in Japanese quail (36.83), guinea fowl (33.16) followed by geese (32.00) and least in turkey (30.66). The mean value for RBC (X10 6 /µl) were differed significantly (P<0.01) between different species of poultry. Mean values for MCV (fL) were significantly (P<0.