Present study was conducted on the Gross pathology of anaemic small ruminants was undertaken for a period of 6 months from June 2021 to November 2021. Animals affected with anaemia were considered for the present study. Postmortem examination of anaemic sheep and goats revealed emaciation, pale conjunctiva, sunken eye balls, gelatinisation of subcutaneous fat was most striking futures observed externally. In heart, hydropericardium, gelatinisation of epicardial fat was observed. Enlargement, thickened Glissons capsule, hard consistency, Cysticercus tenuicollis cyst was seen in liver. Oedema, consolidation, froth in trachea, bronchi and bronchioles in was observed in lungs. Haemonchus worms in stomach, tapeworms in intestinal lumen, serosanguinous fluid in the peritoneal cavity, enlarged lymphnodes were observed in various cases.