The ribbon synapse is a specialized structure that allows photoreceptors to sustain the continuous release of vesicles for hours upon hours and years upon years but also respond rapidly to momentary changes in illumination. Light responses of cones are faster than those of rods and, mirroring this difference, synaptic transmission from cones is also faster than transmission from rods. This review evaluates the various factors that regulate synaptic kinetics and contribute to kinetic differences between rod and cone synapses. Presynaptically, the release of glutamate-laden synaptic vesicles is regulated by properties of the synaptic proteins involved in exocytosis, influx of calcium through calcium channels, calcium release from intracellular stores, diffusion of calcium to the release site, calcium buffering, and extrusion of calcium from the cytoplasm. The rate of vesicle replenishment also limits the ability of the synapse to follow changes in release. Post-synaptic factors include properties of glutamate receptors, dynamics of glutamate diffusion through the cleft, and glutamate uptake by glutamate transporters. Thus, multiple synaptic mechanisms help to shape the responses of second-order horizontal and bipolar cells.
KeywordsPhotoreceptor; Synaptic transmission; Glutamate; Calcium; Vesicles; Retina Vision begins with the transduction of light into membrane potential changes as the result of an enzymatic cascade occurring in the outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptors [1,2]. Light-evoked membrane potential changes are modified by voltage-dependent currents in the inner segment [3] and transmitted to second order bipolar and horizontal cells by changes in release of the neurotransmitter, L-glutamate, from the synaptic terminals of both rods and cones. Because all of the visual information available to downstream retinal neurons must first pass through the photoreceptor synapse, synaptic transmission from photoreceptors has a considerable impact on visual perception. The focus of this review is on mechanisms that shape the kinetics of synaptic transmission at synapses of rods and cones. Additional information on other physiological and anatomical characteristics of photoreceptor ribbon synapses can be found in recent reviews [4][5][6].
Differences in Rod and Cone KineticsRod and cone photoreceptors are tonically depolarized in darkness with membrane potentials of â35 to â45 mV that allow continuous release of the neurotransmitter, L-glutamate. Light onset causes photoreceptors to hyperpolarize by as much as 30 mV, leading to a reduction in