SummaryThe purpose of this investigation was to establish normal values Instrumental neutron activation analysis was used to establish "normal values" for the zinc, copper, manganese, vanadium, and iodine concentrations in washed hair samples from Canadian neonates. Sixteen males and 22 females (mean gestation of 40 wk; mean birthweight 3590 g) were included in the study. Their respective mean concentrations f SE (parts per million) were 224.0 f 6.29; 12.6 f 0.61; 0.24 f 0.04, 0.05 f 0.01; 24.3 f 4.76. AU the trace elements were normally distributed. No correlations of hair copper, zinc, and manganese with the variables sex, parity, and maternal socioeconomic status were found.A positive correlation for zinc with manganese (0.32; P = 0.024) was apparent, suggesting that the concentrations of these two elements at birth were interrelated.for the'zinc, copper, manganese, vanadium, and iodine concentrations of hair in 38 full term healthy Canadian neonates. Levels of these trace metals in hair may reflect body concentrations and, thus, provide an index for the detection of trace metal deficiencies at birth.There are very little data available on the trace metal concentrations in the hair of newborn infants although some exist for children and adults (6,7,10,16,17). Only small hair samples are available from neonates which makes analysis by atomic absorption, perhaps the most widely used method, difficult. Instrumental neutron activation was chosen for this investigation, being particularly suitable for the nondestructive multielement analysis of small hair samples.It is concluded that neonatal hair concentrations of copper, manganese, and vanadium were lower than most reported values METHODS for older children and adults. In contrast, the hair zinc concentration of the neonates in this study was higher than that of Denver SUBJECTS neonates, and may reflect higher body zinc concentrations, perhapsThe patients were 38 full term healthy infants of mean birthdue to regional differences in the trace metal content of the ground weight of 3590 g and mean gestational age of 40 wk, born in the water.Grace Maternity Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Sixteen were male and 22 were female. Speculation
MATERIALS AND SAMPLE PREPARATIONThe establishment of normal values for the zinc, copper, manganese, vanadium, and iodine concentrations of neonatal hair Hair samples, cut close to the scalp at the back of the head were samples is essential before one can assess whether the hair levels taken 0-3 days after birth. Individual hair samples weighing reflect body concentrations at birth. Hair trace metal levels may approximately 20 mg were placed in acid-washed polyethylene provide an index for the detection of trace metal deficiencies at tubes and washed with 15 ml of a 1% solution of the nonionic birth. detergent, Actinox (34) according to the method of Hamson et al.. The detergent solution contained negligible amounts of the analyzed elements and its use in the washing procedure does not It has been suggested that the trace metal conte...