ABSTRACT:Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn herb is in traditional medicine for more than 3000 years. It belongs to a family of Euphorbiaceae and commonly known by the name of carry me seed, stone breaker, gala of wind, etc. It is a branching annual herb of 30 -60 cm height widely spread throughout tropics and sub-tropics as a weed. Phyllanthus amarus is gaining momentum for its hepatoprotective, anti-carcinogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiinflammatory and more activities as it contains different combinations of secondary metabolites, which render them medicinal properties. The major class of bioactive compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids, lignans, sterols, tannins, triterpenes and volatile oils has been isolated. Lignans like phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin, flavonoids like quercetin were isolated from the leaves of P. amarus. This review is an effort to represent the phytochemicals and their pharmacological properties which constantly addresses a challenge because of a large number of compounds present as a mixture in the extract with trace amounts.