α-decay properties of the yet unknown nucleus 296 118 are predicted using the systematic behavior of parameters of α-nucleus double-folding potentials. The results are Qα = 11.655 ± 0.095 MeV and T 1/2 = 0.825 ms with an uncertainty of about a factor of 4.PACS numbers: 23.60.+e,27.90.+b,21.60.Gx Very recently, Sobiczewski [1] has analyzed the decay properties of the yet unknown nucleus 296 118 using a combination of Q α values from mass models and a phenomenological formula for the α-decay half-lives. This study was motivated by ongoing experiments which attempt to synthesize this heaviest nucleus to date. The present work uses a completely different approach which is based on the smooth and systematic bahavior of α-decay parameters using double-folding potentials [2].Sobiczewski Cn ("chain-2") where only the two latter α-decays are known from experiment. The selection of the mass formulae leads to a restricted range of Q α for 296 118 from 11.62 MeV (WS3+), 11.73 MeV (WS4+), and 12.06 MeV (HN), and the corresponding α-decay half-lives are 4.8 ms (WS3+), 2.7 ms (WS4+), and 0.50 ms (HN). This range of predictions of almost one order of magnitude for the α-decay half-life of 296 118 does not yet include an additional uncertainty of the phenomenological formula of [3] which is on average a factor of 1.34 for even-even nuclei and does not exceed a factor of 1.78 in most cases [3].In a further study Budaca et al. [9] have applied empirical fitting formulae for the prediction of the decay properties of 296 118. They obtain a slightly lower Q α = 11.45 MeV and half-lives of about 3 ms. A very low value of Q α = 10.185 MeV is derived from mass formulae in [10,11], leading to predicted half-lives up to minutes for 296 118. Half-lives of the order of 1 ms have been obtained in [12] using the WS4+ Q α and various empirical formulae for the half-life, and similar half-lives slightly below 1 ms were found very recently in [13, 14] * Email: WidmaierMohr@t-online.de; mohr@atomki.mta.hu which are also based on Q α from WS4+.For completeness it has to be mentioned that α-decay is the dominant decay mode of 296 118. Partial half-lives of 296 118 for spontaneous fission have been estimated in [1,15]; they exceed the α-decay half-life by several orders of magnitude.Contrary to the study of Sobiczewski and the other recent calculations for 296 118 [9][10][11][12], the present approach does not use mass models for the prediction of the unknown Q α of 296 118 which is the most important quantity for the prediction of its half-life. Instead, the smooth behavior of parameters is used which is obtained in calculations with systematic double-folding potentials [2]. This method is particularly well suited for the present case where the available experimental results for chain-1 and chain-2 have to be extrapolated only to a very close neighbor. For completeness it should be noted that there is another method for an independent determination of Q α from the systematics of Q α differences of neighboring nuclei; unfortunately, the publishe...