Temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient, RH, has been investigated in charge-spin stripe-ordered La-214 high-Tc superconductors. Using the simplest stripe-ordered system of La2−xBaxCuO4, it has been clarified that both the behavior of RH and its sign exhibit significant dependences on the hole concentration. That is, RH is zero in the ground state of the charge-spin stripe order at x = 1/8, while it is negative in the less-stabilized state of the charge stripe for x < 1/8. These are interpreted as owing to the delicate balance of the contributions of the hole-like Fermi surface and the possible electron pocket arising from the formation of the charge-spin stripe order.The Hall coefficient, R H , in the high-T c superconducting (SC) cuprates has attracted considerable attention owing to its peculiar behavior since the early stages of high-T c research. The R H in the normal state is strongly dependent on temperature, which is unusual in conventional metallic superconductors. The temperature dependence of R H at high temperatures has been explained based upon the Fermi-liquid model [1] or the two-carrier model [2] taking into account spin fluctuations or charge fluctuations, respectively, but the behavior at low temperatures has not yet been understood.The experimental results of R H at low temperatures in the La-214 cuprates such as La 2−x Ba x CuO 4 (LBCO) [3][4][5] and La 1.6−x Nd 0.4 Sr x CuO 4 (LNSCO) [6] at x ∼ 1/8 have revealed that R H markedly decreases with decreasing temperature below the structural-phase-transition temperature between the tetragonal low-temperature (TLT) phase (space group: P 4 2 /ncm) and the orthorhombic mid-temperature (OMT) phase (Bmab), T d2 . This has been explained as owing to the disappearance of the Hall voltage in the one-dimensional (1D) charge stripe-ordered state [7] stabilized through the structural phase transition [6] Recently, measurements of R H in high magnetic fields for underdoped YBCO with the hole concentration per Cu in the CuO 2 plane, p = 0.10 − 0.14 by LeBoeuf et al. [11] have revealed a sign change of R H at low temperatures. They have proposed that the negative R H originates from the formation of an electron pocket through the reconstruction of the Fermi surface caused by the possible formation of the charge stripe order. In YBCO, however, effects of the possible charge stripe order on various physical properties are relatively weak compared with those in the La-214 cuprates, preventing one from understanding explicitly the relation between the electron pocket and the charge stripe order.In this Rapid Communication, R H in the charge stripeordered state is investigated in La-214 cuprates with various values of p. It has been found in LBCO with x = 0.08 − 0.12 and LNSCO with x = 0.12 that the behavior of R H including the sign at low temperatures exhibits a significant dependence on p. That is, R H for x = 0.10 − 0.12 undergoing the phase transition to the TLT phase markedly decreases with decreasing temperature below T d2 . Moreover, a sign change ...