At temperatures above 175" and with paclced colurnns, rearrangement of allyl 2,6-dichlorophenyl ether occurs during gas-liquid chromatographic analysis with a contact time of no more than 4 min. For example, a t a temperature of 205" with Gas Chrom P a s packing material, a b o~l t '7% of the ether is changed, but the packing 20% Apiezon L on Gas Chrom P increases this to about 50y0. Products characteristic of both thermal and acid-catalyzed rearrangements are ohtained. The number of such products increases to a lnaximum of five a s the temperature is increased to 22S0. Accordingly, the results of gas-liquid chro~natographic analysis of mixtures obtained fro111 the Clalsen rearrangement of allyl phenyl ethers must be interpreted with care if unchanged ether is present.