Abstract. In view of the well-known conjecture concerning the classification of lines in the affine plane in characteristic p > 0, it is desirable to understand how the characteristic pairs of an irreducible algebroid plane curve are affected by the relative Frobenius. This paper determines the relation between the characteristic sequences [x, y] and [x, f], where x and y are formal power series in one variable with coefficients in a field of characteristic p > 0 .Throughout this paper, k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, t is an indeterminate over k and k( (t) defined by e'(X) = x and e'(Y) = yp is also an affine plane curve with one place at infinity. We say that e is obtained from e by performing the "relative Frobenius" operation. This paper is part of an attempt to answer: Question 1. How is the singularity at infinity affected by the relative Frobenius?As a motivation for this question we recall the well-known conjecture which asserts that every affine plane curve biregular to the affine line can be obtained from a line of degree one by performing a finite sequence of operations, each operation being either an automoprhism of the plane or the relative Frobenius, the latter being allowed only if A = A1. (See [1, 2,4,5].) Let the notation be as above. Then the completion of R may be identified with k [[i]] and as a result x, y £ k((t)) have negative orders (unless x £ k or y £ k, which is a trivial case). Define x^, yoo£ tk [[t\] by '