A cycle of length t in a hypergraph is an alternating sequence v1,e1,v2⋯,vt,et of distinct vertices vi and distinct edges ei so that false{vi,vi+1false}⊆ei (with vt+1:=v1). Let λKnh be the λ‐fold n‐vertex complete h‐graph. Let G=(V,E) be a hypergraph all of whose edges are of size at least h, and 2≤c1≤⋯≤ck≤false|Vfalse|. In order to partition the edge set of scriptG into cycles of specified lengths c1,⋯,ck, an obvious necessary condition is that 0true∑i=1kci=|E|. We show that this condition is sufficient in the following cases.
(R2)G=λKnh, h≥⌈n/2⌉+2.
(R3)G=Knh, c1=⋯=ck:=c, c|n(n−1),n≥85.In (R2), we guarantee that each cycle is almost regular. In (R3), we also solve the case where a “small” subset L of edges of Knh is removed.