We show that a Minkowski phase space endowed with a bracket relatively to a conformable differential realizes a Poisson algebra, confering a bi-Hamiltonian structure to the resulting manifold. We infer that the related Hamiltonian vector field is an infinitesimal Noether symmetry, and compute the corresponding deformed recursion operator. Besides, using the Hamiltonian-Jacobi separability, we construct recursion operators for Hamiltonian vector fields in conformable Poisson-Schwarzschild and Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) manifolds, and derive related constants of motion, Christoffel symbols, components of Riemann and Ricci tensors, Ricci constant and components of Einstein tensor. We highlight the existence of a hierarchy of bi-Hamiltonian structures in both the manifolds, and compute a family of recursion operators and master symmetries generating the constants of motion.