A 6-year-old girl was referred to pediatric neurology because of concerns about her behavior. Her mother had noticed episodes in which the girl would wave her hand in front of her face and lose awareness of her surroundings several times per day. These episodes usually occurred when she was outdoors and had caused the child to walk into objects and stop in traffic. The patient otherwise had no neurological deficits or cognitive impairment, and there was no family history of neuropsychiatric disorders. Although the patient was aware of her behavior, she could not explain why she performed these hand-waving motions. A neurological workup revealed that these behaviors were not complex stereotypies but rather a rare and unusual disorder. This case highlights the role of neurology in assessing complex motor behaviors and offers insight into when a practicing pediatrician should consider a neurological workup for complex stereotypies.
Pediatr Ann
. 2023;52(8):e309–e312.]