Evaluating a grasp generated by a set of handobject contact locations is a key component of many grasp planning algorithms. In this paper, we present a novel second order cone program (SOCP) based optimization formulation for evaluating a grasps' ability to apply wrenches to generate a linear motion along a given direction and/or an angular motion about the given direction. Our quality measure can be computed efficiently, since the SOCP is a convex optimization problem, which can be solved optimally with interior point methods. A key feature of our approach is that we can consider the effect of contact wrenches from any contact of the object with the environment. This is different from the extant literature where only the effect of finger-object contacts is considered. Exploiting the environmental contact is useful in many manipulation scenarios either to enhance the dexterity of simple hands or improve the payload capability of the manipulator. In contrast to most existing approaches, our approach also takes into account the practical constraint that the maximum contact force that can be applied at a finger-object contact can be different for each contact. We can also include the effect of external forces like gravity, as well as the joint torque constraints of the fingers/manipulators. Furthermore, for a given motion path as a constant screw motion or a sequence of constant screw motions, we can discretize the path and compute a global grasp metric to accomplish the whole task with a chosen set of finger-object contact locations.