This paper describes the development of a two de�ree of freedom (DOF) desi�n for automated pedestrian crowd control barrier based on a closed-loop feedback control system. Since most of the barriers existin� immobile, static and not adaptable to chan�in� crowd condition, so this work provides an adaptive system that can assume strictly the role of the security man by sensin� the crowd and move away to provide a safe area between crowd people and events area without collision. Kinematic and dynamic analysis to build the system is proposed, while plannin� tra . iectory is provided by su��estin� some cases to control a specific current crowd situation usin� Computed Torque Controller (CTC), which identifies the difference between the input desired tra. iectory with the newly collected data of the equation of motion and dynamic equation analysis of the actual system to achieve a �ood and accuracy results by reducin� the error and minimize the disturbances. Simulation studies for a strai�htforward ran�e of motion exercise were carried out, and experimental validation for the automated barrier with two DOF is performed to move the system forward and backward and avoid any obstacle on its path. The results obtained shows that the controller can track the desired position and tra.iectories for the barriers system motion, and adequately adapt the control parameters to the crowd conditions and the sensor and motor control performance.