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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESThe U. S. Government is joint author of this work and has the right to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose the work. Published in Proc. of SPIE, Vol 6212 (2006). Cleared for Public Release by ESC/PA number: ESC-06-0670.
ABSTRACTA concept for a terahertz laser in vapor-phase-grown homoepitaxial GaAs with spatially periodic doping profile was theoretically explored. Monte Carlo simulation of hole transport in multilayer delta-doped p-GaAs/GaAs structures in crossed electric and magnetic fields was performed to investigate possibilities of the terahertz amplification on intervalence-band light-to-heavy hole transitions. The results are compared to those calculated for uniformly doped bulk p-GaAs and recently proposed p-Ge/Ge structures. The improvement in the gain for delta-doped p-GaAs structures is about ~ 2 -3 times over bulk p-GaAs. Terahertz laser generation in the considered GaAs device concept appears feasible, as is growth of structures with active thicknesses sufficient to support quasioptical cavity solutions at 100 m vacuum wavelengths. Potential applications for the considered laser device include sensing of chem/bio agents and explosives, biomedical imaging, non-destructive testing, and communications. .
SUBJECT TERMSterahertz, far infrared, laser, germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, epitaxy. ABSTRACT A concept for a terahertz laser in vapor-phase-grown homoepitaxial GaAs with spatially periodic doping profile was theoretically explored. Monte Carlo simulation of hole transport in multilayer delta-doped p-GaAs/GaAs structures in crossed electric and magnetic fields was performed to investigate possibilities of the terahertz amplification on intervalence-band light-to-heavy hole transitions. The results are compared to those calculated for uniformly doped bulk pGaAs and recently proposed p-Ge/Ge structures. The improvement in the ga...