DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000201604
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Handling Delayed or Missed Dose of Antiseizure Medications

Abstract: Background and Objectives:Antiseizure medications are the major treatment modality for patients with epilepsy. Delayed or missed doses are common during long-term or lifelong anti-epilepsy treatment. This study aims to explore optimal individualized remedial dosing regimens for delayed or missed doses of 11 commonly used antiseizure medications.Methods:In order to explore remedial dosing regimens, Monte Carlo simulation was employed based on previously identified and published population pharmacokinetic models… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 40 publications
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“…Li et al 7 expanded upon previous studies by using existing pharmacokinetic data to show how ASM concentration curves fluctuate over time (how much time spent outside of the desired therapeutic range) for 12 different ASMs, in response to 6 different hypothetical “remediation” strategies, for adults versus children, at different intervals since the missed dose, for different renal function, using complex Monte Carlo simulations. They tested out 6 strategies: Skip the missed dose. Take the missed dose immediately. Take 0.5 of the missed dose immediately. Take the missed dose immediately, but just 0.5 doses at the next regularly scheduled time. Take 1.5 doses immediately, then skip the next regularly scheduled dose. Skip the missed dose, then take 1.5 doses at the next regularly scheduled time. …”
Section: Commentarymentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Li et al 7 expanded upon previous studies by using existing pharmacokinetic data to show how ASM concentration curves fluctuate over time (how much time spent outside of the desired therapeutic range) for 12 different ASMs, in response to 6 different hypothetical “remediation” strategies, for adults versus children, at different intervals since the missed dose, for different renal function, using complex Monte Carlo simulations. They tested out 6 strategies: Skip the missed dose. Take the missed dose immediately. Take 0.5 of the missed dose immediately. Take the missed dose immediately, but just 0.5 doses at the next regularly scheduled time. Take 1.5 doses immediately, then skip the next regularly scheduled dose. Skip the missed dose, then take 1.5 doses at the next regularly scheduled time. …”
Section: Commentarymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Li et al 7 expanded upon previous studies by using existing pharmacokinetic data to show how ASM concentration curves fluctuate over time (how much time spent outside of the desired therapeutic range) for 12 different ASMs, in response to 6 different hypothetical “remediation” strategies, for adults versus children, at different intervals since the missed dose, for different renal function, using complex Monte Carlo simulations. They tested out 6 strategies: Skip the missed dose.…”
Section: Commentarymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…MIDD and MIPD are essentially the same, given that they solve problems mainly through modeling and simulation. Their differences mainly lie in their different application scenarios, where MIDD mainly refers to modeling and simulation for new drug research and development ( Wang et al, 2021 ; Mitra and Wang, 2022 ; Chen et al, 2023 ), while MIPD mainly refers to modeling and simulation for clinical precise drug delivery ( Liu et al, 2021 ; Yin et al, 2022 ; Li et al, 2023 ).…”
confidence: 99%