Characterization of the 618-11 Sol id Waste Burial Ground, Disposed Wastes, and Description of the Waste Generating Facilities Document Title: This document, reviewed in accordance with DOE Order 1 4 3 0. 1 D, "Scientific and Technical Information Management," and DOE G 1430.1D-I, "Guide to the Management of Scientific and Technical Information," does not contain classified or sensitive unclassified information and is: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE V. L. Birkland 'Document Control /Information C1 earance f l y. 25&4dL/ ' Lockheed Martin Services, Inc. ewewed for Applied Ischnology. Business Sensn~e, Clasalf.ed, Copynahted. txport Controlled. Patent. Veersanallmvate, Plopnetafl.