SummaryA bottom-contacting probe for measuring electrical conductivity at the sediment-water interface was used to scan the bed of the Columbia River adjacent to the Hanford Site in southeast Washington State during a 10-day investigation. Four river-sections, each about a kilometer in length, were scanned for variations in electrical conductivity. The probe was towed along the riverbed at a speed of 1 d s and its position was recorded using a Global Positioning System.The bottom tows revealed several areas of elevated electrical conductivity. Where these anomalies were relatively easy to access, piezometers were driven into the riverbed and porewater samples were taken. The upward flux of ground water at these locations was tested by measuring porewater electrical conductivity and, in selected ones, by measuring concentrations of contaminants. At these locations, porewater electrical conductivity ranged from 125 to 380 pS/cm and surface water electrical conductivity ranged from 11 1 to 150 pS/cm.The piezometers, placed in electrical conductivity "hotspots," yielded chemical or isotopic data consistent with previous analyses of water taken from monitoring wells and visible shoreline seeps. Tritium, nitrate, and chromium exceeded water quality standards in some porewaters. The highest tritium and nitrate levels were found near the Old Hanford Townsite at 120,000 pCi/L (& 8,850 p C f i total propagated analytical uncertainty) and 28,000 pg/L (i 5,880 pg/L), respectively. The maximum chromium (total and hexavalent) levels were found near 100-H reactor area where unfiltered porewater total chromium was 1,900 pg/L (2 798 p a ) and hexavalent chromium was 20
PI&-The electrical conductivity probe provided rapid, cost-effective reconnaissance for ground-water discharge areas when used in combination with conventional piezometers. It may be possible to obtain quantitative estimates of both natural and contaminated ground-water discharge in the Hanford Reach with more extensive surveys of the river bottom.iii RC-M-22 PNNL-11516