Contents Acknowledgements A brief introduction Part 1. Stratification of the transverse momentum map Introduction 1. The normal form theorem 1.1. Background on Hamiltonian groupoid actions 1.2. The local invariants 1.3. The local model 1.4. The proof 1.5. The transverse part of the local model 2. The canonical Hamiltonian stratification 2.1. Background on Whitney stratifications of reduced differentiable spaces 2.2. The stratifications associated to Hamiltonian actions 2.3. The regular parts of the stratifications 2.4. The Poisson structure on the orbit space 2.5. Symplectic integration of the canonical Hamiltonian strata Part 2. Toric actions of regular and proper symplectic groupoids Introduction 3. The momentum image and the ext-invariant 3.1. Toric representations of infinitesimally abelian compact Lie groups 3.2. Delzant subspaces of integral affine orbifolds 3.3. The ext-invariant and the ext-sheaf 3.4. A normal form on invariant neighbourhoods 3.5. The remaining proofs 4. The structure theorems and the splitting theorem 4.1. Constructing a natural toric (T , Ω)-space out of a Delzant subspace 4.2. The sheaf of automorphisms and the sheaf of invariant Lagrangian sections 4.3. Proof of the structure theorems 4.4. Proof of the splitting theorem A. Poisson geometric characterization of toric actions B. Background on manifolds with corners C. A vanishing result for the second structure group Index Bibliography Curriculum Vitae Samenvatting (ook voor niet-wiskundigen)Using the proposition below, the short exact sequence (19) translates into the short exact sequence (17), whereas (18) translates into (16). In particular, this proves part b. □ Proposition 1.12. Let (G, Ω) ⇒ M be a symplectic groupoid and suppose that we are given a left Hamiltonian (G, Ω)-action along J : (S, ω) → M . Further, let p ∈ S.a) The symplectic orthogonal (13) of the tangent space T p O to the orbit O through p coincides with Ker(dJ p ). b) The isotropy Lie algebra g p , viewed as subset of T *x M via (117), is the annihilator of Im(dJ p ) in T x M , where x = J(p). This is readily derived from the momentum map condition (6).1.2.3. The symplectic normal representation. Notice that the symplectic form ω on S descends to a linear symplectic form ω p on the symplectic normal space (12). Proposition 1.13. (SN p , ω p ) is a symplectic G p -representation.Proof. We ought to show that ω p is G p -invariant. Note that, for any v ∈ Ker(dJ p ) and g ∈ G p :g. So, using Proposition 1.12a we find that for all v, w ∈ T p O ω and g ∈ G p :where in the last step we applied (5). □ Definition 1.14. Given a Hamiltonian action as above, we call (20) (SN p , ω p ) ∈ SympRep(G p ) its symplectic normal representation at p.