Potato cultivation requires fertilizers to sustain crop yields, but a significant percentage of added nutrients is lost by leaching. The use of coating materials for fertilizers is currently being considered to reduce these losses. The objective of this study was to determine if a carrageenin based hydrogel (CBH), used to coat fertilizer, decreases NH4+ and K+ leaching from a potato crop without affecting growth, specific gravity, and tuber yield. The CBH was tested in a diploid potato crop, cultivar Criolla Colombia (Solanum tuberosum L., Phureja Group) using a randomized full block design including the treatments noncoated fertilizer (T1), CBH coated fertilizer (T2), and no fertilizer (T3). Mineral nutrients in soil leachates together with dry biomass, foliar area, chlorophyll, tuber specific gravity, and yield were quantified. The nutrient content in leachates from T2 were below those from T1. No significant differences between treatments were observed for growth factors, yield, and tuber specific gravity. This study confirms the controlling effect of the CBH, ensuring the retention of the nutrients added in the fertilizer and preventing them from easily leaching. Future field studies are worthwhile to establish the amount of fertilizer this coating could save.