The modality of touch encompasses distinct cutaneous, kinesthetic, and haptic systems that are distinguished on the basis of the underlying neural inputs. The cutaneous receptors are embedded in the skin; the kinesthetic receptors lie in muscles, tendons, and joints; and the haptic system uses combined inputs from both. Topics in this chapter range from sensory phenomena, such as threshold‐level responses, to cognitive and memory processes associated with the haptic system. Haptic perception extracts properties of objects and surfaces that lead to recognition of objects. Material properties are highly accessible, relative to geometric properties, providing a contrast between haptics and vision. The haptic system provides a map of space within reach of the body that provides the basis for recognition of two‐dimensional patterns and outline drawings. The spatial map is subject to systematic distortion, particularly as a result of the movements used in exploration. Interactions between haptic and visual perception are described with respect to attention, representation, and memory. As do other modalities, the sense of touch gives rise to implicit and explicit forms of memory. The chapter concludes with applications of research on touch, including aids for the blind and deaf and virtual environments that provide haptic feedback.