ABSTRACT.-Carvalho V.S., Araújo B.R., Vasconcelos T.C., Chiminazzo C., Costa Neto A.O., Ayres M.C.C., Guimarães J. In this paper, Santa Inês crossbred sheep with footrot were evaluated, checking the changes on leukogram and the acute phase proteins. In the ϐirst experiment, 70 females were divided into three groups according to their podal scores: a control group (G1) with score 0, scald group (G2) with score 1 or 2 and a footrot group (G3) with score 3, 4 or 5. During two months, the clinical course and its effect on leukogram were observed at ϐive moments: M1 (day 0), M2 (day 15), M3 (day 30), M4 (day 45) and M5 (day 60). The intensity of the white blood cell count was low magnitude, observing signiϐicant changes (p <0.05) as a mild leukocytosis (G3, M4), attributed to neutrophilia and a slight increase in the total number of monocytes (G3, M2 and M3) despite the extensive damage and tissue necrosis existed during the ϐinal stage of the disease. In the second experiment, 105 animals from seven farms were used with the objective of isolating the causative agent and to evaluate the effect of disease on total plasma protein and acute phase proteins. The animals were also divided into three groups: control, scald and footrot. In all farms, the isolation of Dichelobacter nodosus was regarded. For the different stages of the disease on the proteins studied there was no signiϐicant correlation (p<0.05) but the haptoglobin in scald and footrot groups showed higher average than the control group. Based on these results, we conclude that the acute phase proteins studied were not efϐicient in the characterization of the phases of the disease and the leukocyte response was mild, making it difϐicult to use for this purpose.