In this article, we consider the module theoretic version of I-semiperfect rings R for an ideal I which are defined by Yousif and Zhou (2002). Let M be a left module over a ring R, N ∈ M , and M a preradical on M . We call N M -semiperfect in M if for any submodule K of N , there exists a decomposition K = A ⊕ B such that A is a projective summand of N in M and B ≤ M N . We investigate conditions equivalent to being a M -semiperfect module, focusing on certain preradicals such as Z M Soc, and M . Results are applied to characterize Noetherian QF-modules (with Rad M ≤ Soc M ) and semisimple modules. Among others, we prove that if every R-module M is Soc-semiperfect, then R is a Harada and a co-Harada ring.