We summarize recent experimental results and theoretical developments related to the topics of diffraction and vector mesons discussed at the DIS2007 Workshop.
PrefaceFor nearly two decades, diffractive phenomena studied at the high energy frontier in pp collisions at the Tevatron and in ep collisions at HERA are shaping and challenging our understanding of the underlying dynamical quantum processes. Experimentally, diffractive processes are characterized by large 'rapidity gaps', regions of (pseudo-)rapidity in which no hadrons are produced, and/or by a beam particle (p/p) which remains intact after the scatter. Large gaps in the final state may occur by the exchange of a color singlet object with vacuum quantum numbers, historically referred to as the Pomeron. The spectacular phenomenon of hard diffraction provides a unique way to probe QCD dynamics at low-x and to interpret diffractive reactions by the exchange of partons, mainly gluons, of the interacting nucleon. A particularly exciting feature of diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering (dDIS) is its relation to unitarity effects in hard QCD scattering amplitudes such as are implemented in modern QCD inspired saturation models and within the k T factorization framework in perturbative QCD (pQCD). An important merit of the k T factorization approach and the saturation model is a unified picture of inclusive and diffractive DIS that they provide. Complementary, in the collinear framework of pQCD, the Operator Product Expansion, inclusive hard diffraction is encoded in diffractive parton densities evolving according to the DGLAP evolution equations. Both frameworks are successfully used to describe data, however, the collinear approach doesn't connect inclusive and diffractive cross sections provided by the S-matrix unitarity.Exclusive diffractive processes are excellent tools to probe the proton structure beyond the reach of inclusive DIS. Exclusive production of mesons, vector mesons and real photons in ep scattering contains combined information about longitudinal momentum distributions of partons and their position on the transverse plane as encoded in Generalized Parton Distribution functions (GPDs). In the high energy and/or very small Bjorken-x regime, exclusive processes can be intimately linked to inclusive DIS in the light-cone color dipole picture. This regime is dominated by the exchange of a hard pQCD Pomeron while data at lower energies are strongly affected by non-vacuum exchanges. A wealth of HERA data established the gross features of the pQCD based description of diffractive vector meson production as for example (Q 2 + M 2 ) as the hard scale for small-t diffraction. The s-channel helicity non-conservation in high energy small-t diffractive scattering may be regarded as one of the important observations at HERA.
DIS 2007