Control and roasted (SO"C), dry black beans (Phasedus vulgaris) were stored for 9 months at 8, 10, 12, and/or 14% moisture content and 8.5", 25", and 40°C. Similarly, beans heated in a solid-to-solid roaster to 51", 61", 72.3", 80", 85.5", 89.5', lOI", and 111°C were maintained at 8% moisture and 25°C. Final hardness increased with moisture content and temperature. Hardening at 8.5" and 25°C proceeded initially almost linearly reaching a constant value after 4 to 6 months while at 40°C it was sigma-shaped. A pseudo-zero order kinetic model fitted for initial rates had an activation energy of 611.8 kcahmol.The hardening rate at 25°C paralleled the shape of the sorption isotherm.