In modern large scale ASIC designs, multiple clock systems are often involved, which can create problems with data transfer in different clock domains. A practical solution to this problem is the use of asynchronous FIFOs (First In First Out) for buffering the transfer of data from different clock domains. A high-capacity asynchronous FIFO cascaded with a synchronous FIFO is designed based on a conventional asynchronous FIFO using the Verilog language. The input data is processed across the clock domain by the asynchronous FIFO, and the data output from the asynchronous FIFO is cached and output again by the synchronous FIFO. The module increases the FIFO depth while enabling data to be transferred across the clock domain. The simulation is completed within the Modelsim software which accordingly verifies the two main roles of the FIFO in processing data, namely the cross-clock domain and the data caching function. Simulation results show that the asynchronous FIFO data is written and read correctly and that the empty/full flag signal is correct.