Shalakh (Aprikoz), the most common table apricot cultivar grown in Iğdır province of Turkey, is known for its delicious taste, large volume, high water content, and short shelf life. This study aimed to determine optimal harvest time of cv. Shalakh apricot by measuring some significant physical and chemical parameters. Fruits were collected periodically at interval of 7 day during the study period. Weight, length, width, thickness, sphericity, color, color indices, soluble solids content, pH, firmness, elasticity, phenolic content (gallic acid and catechin) and organic acids (citric acid and ascorbic acid) were evaluated. Weight, length, width, thickness and sphericity traits increased gradually and reached the highest levels at 10th week after the full bloom. Color parameters (L*, a*, b*, C*, h° and ΔE), hardness, elasticity and organic acids indicated the optimal harvest time of cv. Shalakh of 10th week after the full bloom. Unlike previous studies, SSC and pH didn’t show clear information for harvest time.