A distributional generalization of Young's inequality was stated by L. Schwartz. It asserts that convolution yields a continuous bilinear map *:DLp′×DLq′→DLr′ if 1p+1q=1+1r, 1≤p,q,r≤∞. A generalization to the weighted scriptDLp′‐spaces DLp,μ′=(1+|x|2)−μ/2DLp′ in the form *:DLp,μ′×DLq,ν′→DLr,ρ′ was given by N. Ortner and the author in 1989. By means of interpolation theory, we improve this result with respect to the image space scriptDLr,ρ′ under certain restrictions on μ and ν. This implies limit relations in scriptDLp,μ′ for the Poisson kernel and yields a solution of the Dirichlet problem for the half‐space with boundary values in the space DLp,μ′. By this we generalize a former result of J. Alvarez, M. Guzmán‐Partida and S. Pérez‐Esteva referring to the special case of DL1,−n−1′.