This course describes the interaction of electromagnetic radiation in the "optical" part of the spectrum (microwaves, infrared visible, ultraviolet) with matter-metals, insulators, semiconductors, and superconductors. Topics covered include the following. 1. Maxwell's equations and plane waves in matter. 2. The refractive index N and the complex dielectric function,. 3. Semiclassical theories for. a. Drude absorption by free carriers in metals and semiconductors. b. Interband absorption in semiconductors and insulators. c. Vibrational absorption: phonons. 4. A look at real solids. 5. Free-electron metals: quantum theory. 6. Nonlocal effects: skin effect (classical and anomalous). 7. Interband absorption in semiconductors: the absorption edge, excitons, indirect transitions. 8. Reflection and refraction at an interface. 9. Multilayer systems; interference. 10. Sum rules and Kramers-Kronig relations. 11. Superconductors: gap transitions, kinetic inductance. 12. Anisotropic and inhomogeneous materials. * Silver reflects about 98% of red light and about 80% of deep violet light; silicon reflects about 33% of red and 50% of violet. † Here ultra-high-purity is assumed. Moreover, in the far-infrared region there is a band caused by lattice vibrational effects-multiphonons in this case-where silicon is opaque. * Using λf = c,ν = 1/λ, and E = hf with λ the wavelength, f the frequency,ν the frequency in cm −1 , or wavenumber, E the photon energy, c the speed of light, and h Planck's constant, 50 nm corresponds to a frequency of 6 PHz (petaHertz), a wavenumber of 200,000 cm −1 , and photon energies of 25 eV. † In fact there are few materials that have been studied over the entire range. A much more typical range is from, say, 0.3 mm to 300 nm, far infrared to near ultraviolet, a range of 10 3. ‡ Actually, much of this discussion can apply to liquids as well, and even to dilute gasses, but the physics discussion will rely on solid-state physics ideas: band structure, Fermi surfaces, Fermi liquids, etc. * Unity in cgs-gaussian units. * Because of a choice made by Franklin, the electron is negative. I'll take e to be a positive number and put the sign in explicitly as needed. * and to q, which we already knew. * I'll define unit vectors parallel to any vector A asâ and the magnitude (length) of the vector as A. * Simple == local, nonmagnetic, linear, isotropic, and homogeneous solids. * If the material is magnetic, then instead of B = H I have B = μ H and Eq. 22c becomes q × E = ω c μ H. This increases the symmetry even more but now two equations have materials properties in them. Note that μ is complex, with μ = μ 1 + iμ 2. * Some authors use primes instead, Z = Z + iZ. † If the material is magnetic, as discussed in the footnote on page 19, the same algebra leads to q = ω c √ μ and N = √ μ. ‡ This is a counterexample to the Z = Z 1 + iZ 2 convention. Note also that some (older) texts write N = n(1 + iκ). Furthermore, it is more common to use k than κ. I choose the latter because I want to use k as a wavevector. * Hence, diele...