In this letter, the authors present a novel quadrature interferometry method based on the use of a harmonically matched shallow grating pair. Unlike a simple beam splitter or single shallow grating, the grating pair can confer a nontrivial interference phase shift ͑other than 0°or 180°͒ between the output ports of the interferometer. Using the grating pair as the beam splitter/combiner, the authors implement a homodyne quadrature full field phase interferometer and demonstrate the system's capability to acquire phase and amplitude images. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2722685͔Full field phase based imaging techniques 1-4 are important for a wide range of applications, such as microscopy and metrology. These methods generally involve interferometry and incorporate some form of nontrivial encoding ͑in time, space, or polarization͒ for phase extraction. The encoding process typically entails a more complicated experimental scheme, computationally intensive postprocessing, or some sacrifice in the imaging field of view. In this context, a full field interferometry scheme where the resulting interference outputs are naturally in or close to quadrature can, in principle, simplifies the phase imaging process. However, this requirement is nontrivial. In fact, the outputs of any two-port nonlossy interferometer scheme, including Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, and Sagnac schemes, are constrained to be 180°shifted ͑trivial͒ by energy conservation. We recently demonstrated that a quadrature free-space phase interferometer, termed as the G1G2 interferometer, can be created with a pair of harmonically matched shallow diffraction gratings. 5 In this letter, we report the following: ͑1͒ the creation of the harmonically matched grating pair on a single holographic plate, ͑2͒ the use of this single optical element in place of a beam splitter in a modified Mach-Zehnder interferometer and the observation of nontrivial phase between the outputs, and ͑3͒ a demonstration of full field phase imaging, which additionally illustrates the utility of phase imaging for flow dynamics studies.A single shallow diffraction grating can be used to create a multiport ͑n ജ 3͒ interferometer. However, the outputs of such an interferometer are trivially related in phase. In comparison, the interference between diffractions from the two gratings in a G1G2 interferometer can give rise to nontrivial phase shifts between the outputs. To better explain this concept, we listed the phase of each diffraction order of interest and interference term for a single grating interferometer and a G1G2 interferometer in Fig. 1. In the figure, G1 and G2 are single gratings and their periods ⌳ 1 , ⌳ 2 satisfy ⌳ 2 =2⌳ 1 . x 1 and x 2 are the displacements of the single gratings G1 and G2 with respect to the origin. The phase shift of the mth diffracted order from a shallow grating is given by 5where x 0 is the displacement of the grating from the origin. From Fig. 1͑a͒, we can see that a single grating interferometer can only give rise to a trivial phas...