Time series data analysis is vital in numerous fields, driven by advancements in deep learning and machine learning. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of data augmentation techniques in time series analysis, with a specific focus on their applications within deep learning and machine learning. We commence with a systematic methodology for literature selection, curating 757 articles from prominent databases. Subsequent sections delve into various data augmentation techniques, encompassing traditional approaches like interpolation and advanced methods like Synthetic Data Generation, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). These techniques address complexities inherent in time series data. Moreover, we scrutinize limitations, including computational costs and overfitting risks. However, it's essential to note that our analysis does not end with limitations. We also comprehensively analyzed the advantages and applicability of the techniques under consideration. This holistic evaluation allows us to provide a balanced perspective. In summary, this overview illuminates data augmentation's role in time series analysis within deep and machine-learning contexts. It provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners, advancing these fields and charting paths for future exploration.