“…First, following Boudoukh, Michaely, Richardson, and Roberts (), we calculate total payout as dividends (# dvc) plus repurchases (total expenditure on the purchases of common and preferred stock (# prstkc) plus any reduction in the value of the net number of preferred stock outstanding (# pstkrv)). Following Grullon, Paye, Underwood, and Weston () and Banyi, Dyl, and Kahle (), we define the determinants of total payout as the relative market capitalization (the percentile in which the firm falls on the distribution of equity market values for NYSE firms in year t ), book‐to‐market ratio (# ceq/(# prcc_f × # csho)), return on assets (# ib/# at), sales growth (# sale/lagged # sale − 1), the logarithm of number of years since IPO, the logarithm of stock return volatility, retained earnings (# re/# at), stock options outstanding (# optosey/# csho), leverage ((# dltt + # dlc)/# at), the logarithm of total assets (# at), free cash flows ((# oibdp − (# txt − # txditc + lagged # txditc) − # tie − # dvp − # dvc)/(# prcc_f × # csho)), and stock returns. To come up with a prediction of total payout, we use the entire COMPUSTAT population from 2000 to 2008 to estimate a Tobit regression of total payouts on the above determinants, inclusive of year and industry fixed effects.…”