Abstract. Recently the author developed a numerical method for the multidimensional momentconstrained maximum entropy problem, which is practically capable of solving maximum entropy problems in the two-dimensional domain with moment constraints of order up to 8, in the threedimensional domain with moment constraints of order up to 6, and in the four-dimensional domain with moment constraints of order up to 4, corresponding to the total number of moment constraints of 44, 83 and 69, respectively. In this work, the author brings together key algorithms and observations from his previous works as well as other literature in an attempt to present a comprehensive exposition of the current methods and results for the multidimensional maximum entropy moment problem.Key words. maximum entropy problem, moment constraints, numerical methods.AMS subject classifications. 49M, 65K, 90C.
IntroductionThe moment-constrained maximum entropy problem yields an estimate of a probability density with highest uncertainty among all densities satisfying supplied moment constraints. The moment constrained maximum entropy problem arises in a variety of settings in solid state physics [7,22,23,39], econometrics [34,40], statistical description of gas flows [27,33], geophysical applications such as weather and climate prediction [4,5,21,25,28,29,35,36], and many other areas. The approximation of the probability density itself is obtained by maximizing the Shannon entropy under the constraints established by measured moments (phase space-averaged monomials of problem variables) [32]. A standard formalism [41] transforms the constrained maximum entropy problem into the unconstrained minimization problem of the dual objective function. More details on theoretical aspects of the maximum entropy moment problem can be found in [8,15,14,38].Recently, the author developed new algorithms for the multidimensional momentconstrained maximum entropy problem [1,2,3]. While the method in [1] is somewhat primitive and is only capable of solving two-dimensional maximum entropy problems with moments of order up to 4, the improved algorithm in [2] uses a suitable orthonormal polynomial basis in the space of Lagrange multipliers to improve convergence of its iterative optimization process. It is capable of practically solving two-dimensional problems with moments of order up to 8, three-dimensional problems with moments of order up to 6, and four-dimensional problems of order up to 4, totalling 44, 83 and 69 moment constraints, respectively, not counting the normalization constraint for a probability density. In [3], further improvements were introduced to the algorithm for the multidimensional moment-constrained maximum entropy problem, such as multiple Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) iterations [9,10,12,19,37] to adaptively progress between points of polynomial reorthonormalization, as opposed to single Newton steps introduced in [2], and suitable constraint rescaling to reduce difference in magnitude between high and low order moment constraints. ...