The actuator surface (AS) concept and its implementation within a differential, Navier-Stokes control volume finite-element method (CVFEM) are presented in this article. Inspired by vortex and actuator disk methods, the AS concept consists of using porous surfaces carrying velocity and pressure discontinuities to model the action of lifting surfaces on the flow. The underlying principles and mathematics associated with AS are first reviewed, as well as their implementation in a CVFEM. Results are presented for idealized 2D cases with analytical solutions, as well as for the 3D cases of a finite wing and an experimental wind turbine. In the case of the finite wing, wake induction is well handled by the model with accurate predictions of induced angles and drag when compared with the Prandtl lifting line model. Comparisons with volume force approaches, often used to model the action of propellers or wind turbine blades in a simplified analysis, show that the AS concept has some interesting advantages in terms of accuracy and respect of flow physics. This new approach is easy and rapid to embed in most computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. It is applicable to a wide range of problems involving thin lifting devices like finite wings, propellers, helicopter or wind turbine blades. THE ACTUATOR SURFACE CONCEPT 1265 and force distributions acting within them is important issues that can strongly influence the flow solution. With regards to fans or propellers, the actuator disk concept introduced by Froude should also be included in this group of simplified models; however, the action of the modeled device is spread over a surface rather than a volume. Volume forces become surface forces and discontinuities occur at the actuator disk surface in flow properties like pressure and velocity (see for example [9]). Inspired by the actuator disk concept, this article proposes the use of a new type of singular surface, called an actuator surface (AS), to represent the action of any lifting surface within a differential Navier-Stokes, control volume (CV) finite-element-based method. An AS is simply a geometric surface carrying velocity and pressure discontinuities, as well as surface forces, which are all determined from the circulation along the lifting sections of the AS. Equivalently, an AS is a porous vortex sheet that represents the bound vorticity system of a lifting device. The flow induced by the AS is solved using a CFD method that has been adapted to account for the kinematic and dynamic influence of the AS. As for volume force approaches, the trailing system of vorticity is naturally modeled by the CFD method. To situate the AS approach, Figure 1 presents a possible classification of models for lifting-device aerodynamics by sketching different approaches to model e.g. a lifting wing. On the left part of the figure, vortex models regroup lifting-line, vortex-lattice and panel models. These models are based on distributions of vorticity singularities whose magnitudes are set either based on kinematic conditions (s...