Every year in Poland, on the inland waterways, accidents and incidents are registered by the Offshore Shipping Offices, the State Fire Service and the Police. Improving the level of security requires indepth analysis and drawing conclusions from emerging emergency situations. It is important to identify and systematize the threats occurring in inland waterway, which will allow for the selection of effective methods of counteracting them and increasing the level of safety on restricted waters.
The aim of the work is to analyze the course of proceedings when conducting the analysis of identification of threats affecting the safety of ship operation and analysis of the source and consequences of accidents and incidents that took place on the inland waterway in the Vistula delta in recent years. The course of action in solving the research problem posed involves three stages: an analysis of the current state, hazard identification and model verification.
Knowledge of the causes and consequences of accidents in inland navigation may be used to create safety standards and procedures, as well as to improve their functioning. It is very desirable to eliminate similar adverse events in the future. One of the methods al-lowing for the detection and proper verification of sources, course and consequences of events occurring in inland navigation is the analysis of sources of causes and consequences. It allows the identification of initiating agents and a further sequence of events, which in turn contributes to the improvement of the level of navigational safety.