Anti-inflammatory-analgesic medication is known to have a wide spread, its indications going beyond the area of rheumatology, aimed at various fields, cardiology, nephrology, hematology,neurology, etc. Many years of aspirin has constituted the health expectation of millions of patients. Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (ASNS) are acidic compounds derived mainly from carboxylic acids and enolic acids. The non-acidic compounds are numerically reduced and relatively unrelated. The main effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics arise following antipyretic action, analgesic action and anti-immflamatory in varying proportions to each structural group. Each drug has the specificity of single actions, the global way of explaining the clinical effects remains little known. Anti-inflammatory (anti-termic) in acute rheumatism or other inflammatory joint disorders, anti-platelet antiaggregant, aspirin prevents aggregation of blood platelets (which have a role in stopping bleeding).This is why it is used to prevent thrombosis (clotting of blood in the arteries or veins) with an impOliant role in preventing myocardial infarction. The study includes 126 patients who often used aspirin. Interaction of aspirin with other drugs mainly occurs in the plasma albumin, platelets, liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. Considered a common drug, often used by patients without the physician�s indication, some of them under maintenance medication (corticosteroid, anticoagulants, antiplatelet, antidiabetics, cytostatics), aspirin may cause important complications.