The organization of chromatin is a regulator of molecular processes including transcription, replication, and DNA repair. The structures within chromatin that regulate these processes span from the nucleosomal (10-nm) to the chromosomal (>200-nm) levels, with little known about the dynamics of chromatin structure between these scales due to a lack of quantitative imaging technique in live cells. Previous work using partial-wave spectroscopic (PWS) microscopy, a quantitative imaging technique with sensitivity to macromolecular organization between 20 and 200 nm, has shown that transformation of chromatin at these length scales is a fundamental event during carcinogenesis. As the dynamics of chromatin likely play a critical regulatory role in cellular function, it is critical to develop live-cell imaging techniques that can probe the real-time temporal behavior of the chromatin nanoarchitecture. Therefore, we developed a livecell PWS technique that allows high-throughput, label-free study of the causal relationship between nanoscale organization and molecular function in real time. In this work, we use live-cell PWS to study the change in chromatin structure due to DNA damage and expand on the link between metabolic function and the structure of higherorder chromatin. In particular, we studied the temporal changes to chromatin during UV light exposure, show that live-cell DNA-binding dyes induce damage to chromatin within seconds, and demonstrate a direct link between higher-order chromatin structure and mitochondrial membrane potential. Because biological function is tightly paired with structure, live-cell PWS is a powerful tool to study the nanoscale structure-function relationship in live cells.E very cellular and extracellular structure has a complex nanoscale organization ranging from individual macromolecules that are a few nanometers in size (e.g., protein and DNA) to macromolecular assemblies that are tens to hundreds of nanometers in size (e.g., cell membranes, higher-order chromatin structure, cytoskeleton, and extracellular matrix fibers). A major scientific challenge is to understand these macromolecular structures, specifically their function and interactions in structurally and dynamically complex living cellular systems. To meet these goals, the ideal live-cell imaging technology would satisfy six key requirements: being (i) nanoscale sensitive (<200 nm), (ii) label free, (iii) nonperturbing, (iv) quantitative, (v) high throughput, and (vi) molecularly informative.Current approaches are unable to meet all of these criteria alone. The breakthroughs in superresolution fluorescence microscopy (SRM) have enabled new imaging technologies capable of providing unprecedented molecular identification at the highest resolutions currently available in live cells, but require the use of exogenous fluorophores to visualize macromolecular structures (1-3). For some applications, these labels are indispensable to achieve molecular specificity. However, there are significant drawbacks to the exclusive use of molec...