The geometric parameters and energy characteristics of small endofullerenes N@C n (n = 20, 24, 30, 32, 40, 50) and N@C 60 in the quartet ground state were calculated by the B3LYP/6 31G* method. The N atom is located at the center of the carbon cage in all mol ecules except N@C 30 , where it is bound to the cage wall. Encapsulation of nitrogen atom has little effect on the fullerene cage geometry for n = 40, 50, and 60. No significant charge transfer from the N endo atom to the cage was revealed for all the N@C n endofullerenes studied. The calculated spin density on the nitrogen endo atom increases as the size (n) of the carbon cage increases. The relative stabilities of C n fullerenes and corresponding endofullerenes N@C n are discussed.The synthesis and investigation of endofullerenes have been attracting increasing attention of researchers; 1 how ever, most studies in this field are concerned with endo hedral compounds of higher fullerenes C n (n > 60). A large number of endohedral compounds with rare gases, 1 metals, 1 and nitrogen and phosphorus atoms 2,3 were ob tained and studied. Of particular interest is the N@C 60 endofullerene, because experiments revealed an unexpect edly large value of the hyperfine coupling (HFC) con stant on the endo atom compared to free nitrogen atom. 2 Both experiment and theory (see Refs 2 and 4-7) show that in this molecule the nitrogen atom is located at the center of the fullerene cage and retains its initial elec tronic configuration (...2p 3 ). Endohedral compounds of small fullerenes C n (n < 60)* with nitrogen have not been synthesized as yet. There is also a few theoretical studies of N@C n systems. For instance, semiempirical 10,11 and ab initio (HF) 11 calculations of the N@C n systems were carried out. The results of MNDO/AM1 calculations sug gested the possibility for endohedral compounds of C 34 and C 36 fullerenes (D 2d , D 3h and C 2v isomers of C 36 were considered) with nitrogen to exist.