Using synchrotron-radiation-based angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometry, the Cl 3s3p'('P2~o)np and 3s3p'('Pl)np autoionizing Rydberg series are studied by monitoring the relative partial photoionization cross sections and asymmetry parameters of the 3p ' 'P2 l o, 'D2, and 'So ionic states between 21.75 and 27.75 eV. The Rydberg series converging upon the 3s ' 'P&, 'Pl, and 'Po thresholds are clearly resolved. Rydberg levels up to n = 14 can be identified in the ('P2 & 0)np series, while the ('P;)np Rydberg series can be observed up to n =10. The relative partial cross sections are placed on an absolute scale using previous data obtained with an electron spectroscopy modulation method. The present experimental results for the Cl (P2 I p)np and ('P l)np Rydberg series are compared with those of the Ar 3s3p (S j&2)np series, and with theoretical results of a nonrelativistic many-body perturbation theory calculation. The 'P2 & 0 and 'Pl ionization thresholds obtained from the Rydberg series agree very well with the ionization limits calculated on the basis of the Cl II spectrum, and with the ionization energies determined from a 3s ' photoelectron spectrum. Autoionization phenomena due to 3s'3p'~3s'3p'nln'l' two-electron excitations are observed in the 'P; resonance region. PACS number(s): 32.80.Fb, 32.80.Dz ' P2, p 'D2, and 'Sp ionic states measured at 90 with respect to the unpolarized He I a photon beam. In an electron spectroscopy modulation experiment Van der Meer, Butselaar, and De Lange [22] determined the absolute photoionization cross section of the P2, p components using 90 data and calculated P, values. In 1988 Peel and Von Nagy-Felsobuki [23] published another Hei a photoelectron spectrum of Cl, but no absolute or relative cross sections were given. Only very recently [24] we have employed the continuum of synchrotron radiation to extend these photoelectron spectroscopic studies beyond the Hera energy. At present, no measurements of the P; parameters of the 3p ' ionic states have been reported. A more favorable situation exists with regard to the total photoionization cross section (o), which, using an experimentally less demanding mass-resolved ion detection technique, has been measured from threshold at 12.96 eV to about 60 eV [25,26]. Resonance structure due to autoionization phenomena provides direct evidence of electron correlations and is therefore of considerable interest. The energies of the autoionizing 3s 3p (Pz & o, 'D2, 'So)ns, nd 1 Rydberg levels have been determined in photoabsorption 2468 1992 The American Physical Society 'This work; see text. bExperimental results of Van der Meer, Butselaar, and De Lange [22]. 'Experimental results of Samson, Shefer, and Angel [26]. Close-coupling results of Conneely, Smith, and Lipsky [5]. 'Hartree-Fock results of Starace and Armstrong [6]. Random-phase approximation with exchange results of Starace and Armstrong [6]. 'RPAE results of Cherepkov and Chernysheva [7]. "RPAE results of Cherepkov and Chernysheva [g]. 'Many-body perturbation theory results...