Neuromuscular training programs are increasingly integrated into clinical practice for lower extremity rehabilitation. A few rehabilitation programs have been evaluated for patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency and for injury prevention, but there is limited scientific evidence of the effect of neuromuscular training following ACL reconstruction. Therefore, a neuromuscular training program was developed for patients after ACL reconstruction. The objective of the neuromuscular training was to improve the ability to generate a fast and optimal muscle firing pattern, to increase dynamic joint stability, and to relearn movement patterns and skills necessary during activities of daily living and sports activities. The main areas considered when designing the postoperative rehabilitation program after ACL reconstruction were: ACL graft healing and ACL strain values during exercises, proprioception and neuromuscular control, and clinical studies on the effect of neuromuscular training programs. The rehabilitation program consists of balance exercises, dynamic joint stability exercises, jump traininglplyometric exercises, agility drills, and sportspecific exercise. The patients exercise 3 times a week for 6 months. The scientific and clinical evidence for the rehabilitation program are described and the main exercises in the program are outlined./ Orthop Sports Phys Ther 200 1;3 1 :62O-63 1.Key Words: dynamic joint control, knee surgery, proprioception euromuscular training has become integrated into clinical practice for both upper and lower extremity rehabilit a t i~n .~~.~~ According to the definition of neuromuscular control, neuromuscular training could be defined as training enhancing unconscious motor responses by stimulating both afferent signals and central mechanisms responsible for dynamic joint control. The biomechanics of the knee are altered after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, but neuromuscular training mayCenter for Clinical Research, Ullevaal University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Department for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ullevaal University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Biomechanics laboratory, National Hospital Orthopaedic Center, University of Oslo, Norway. Send correspondence to May Arm Risberg, Center for Clinical Research, Ullevaal University Hospital, 0407, Oslo, Norway. E-mail: enhance control of abnormal joint translation during functional activities by inducing compensatory alterations in muscle activity patterns.The objectives of neuromuscular training are to improve the nervous system's ability to generate a fast and optimal muscle firing pattern, to increase dynamic joint stability, to decrease joint forces, and to relearn movement patterns and skills. The exercises are designed to induce compensatory changes in muscle activation patterns and facilitate dynamic joint stability in patients with ACL injury. The goal is to achieve a state of "readiness" of muscles to respond to joint forces resulting in enhanced motor ~ontrol.".~"Severa...