Holistic human metaphysics (HHM) is a new beginning in the realm of science to delineate the significance of the Einsteinian way of understanding the origin and existence of matter in the universe. Present day healthcare, as well as industrial, systems largely depend upon the Newtonian model of reality, which is tangible, measurable and predictable in mechanistic ways. Though this model forms the basis of the materialistic mechanistic paradigm of almost all technologies being used today, it cannot portray the utility of certain other significant sources of power/energy that are available to us. On the other hand, the Einsteinian model of reality tells us the significance of identifying and applying such intangible forces/energies that exist in nature for the proper functioning of various abiotic and biotic components of the universe. HHM is a comparatively new field of metaphysics that creates a 'silver cord' between tangible and intangible sources of energies in nature. HHM reveals the infinite possibilities existing in the non-Newtonian world of reality for the realization of complete health.Each human organism needs a certain finite number of inputs, collectively called environmental factors, and the life of the individual human depends solely on the availability of these factors. Among this finite number of inputs, some can be chosen by man; for instance, the food that is consumed, the duration of exposure to sunlight, etc. (Wurtman 1975).At the same time, the effect of certain inputs, such as exposure to cosmic rays, gravity and the electromagnetic field of the earth, cannot be controlled by human organisms (Wurtman 1975;Atri and Melott 2014). Recently, electromagnetic waves, as epigenetic factors, were reported possibly to have an effect on various biochemical processes in an organism and to play a crucial role in the development or treatments for various chronic diseases (Ebrahimi et al.
2015).As per Einstein's renowned equation E = mc 2, energy and matter are inter-convertible and are "dual expressions of the